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Preschool Coordinator


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RSD Preschool Program Locations:

  • Center Valley Elementary School 

  • Crawford Elementary School

  • Dwight Elementary

  • London Elementary School

  • Oakland Heights Elementary School

  • Sequoyah Elementary School

Pre-K Registration Information

The 2024-2025 Preschool application is ready to pick up at the preschool office.

Parents can pick up a printed copy at the preschool office at 1000 South Arkansas, also known as the "old Gardner Junior High" building. Enter from the parking lot on 10th Street; there is a sign beside the door.

The Russellville School District Preschool program is a full day of high-quality preschool.

  • The program includes special needs services and the school district child nutrition program on-site.

  • The curriculum used in the preschool program is aligned to the RSD K-12 curriculum and is taught by teachers fully licensed in Early Childhood Education.

  • Assistants in the room with the teachers are licensed or highly qualified, with the maximum staff to student ratio of 1-to-10. Students enrolled in the preschool program will have the same school year and school day as the rest of the district.

  • All classrooms are located on RSD K-4 campuses with a full-time registered nurse and safe room on-site.

  • To be eligible, students must be 3 or 4 years old by August 1.

Openings are available at all levels, including a no-cost level (eligibility of program qualifications) and a full fee level.